Digital Forensics for Attorneys
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Join Lawrence "Larry" Daniel - founder of Guardian Digital Forensics (2006) - and his son, Lars Daniel, for the 2013 Idaho Law Foundation's Annual Flagship CLE.

Larry has over 30 years of experience in software development, data recovery, computer and server diagnosis/repair, and network administration. He began performing computer forensics in 2001. Lars has attended over 200 hours of forensic training and has worked on 300 cases involving murder, child pornography, terrorism, rape, kidnapping, intellectual property, wrongful death, and employee wrongdoing.

The Daniels co-authored the book Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom. Additionally, this father-son team has led CLE presentations in states such as North Carolina, Virginia, New York and Missouri, and are excited to make their Idaho debut!

LENGTH:  4 hrs 26 min

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
January 25, 2013
Overview / Cell Phone Forensics for Attorneys
Speaker Information
Lars Daniel   [ view bio ]
Lawrence "Larry" E. Daniel   [ view bio ]
Audio, Photo & Video Forensics
Speaker Information
Lars Daniel   [ view bio ]
Lawrence "Larry" Daniel   [ view bio ]
Digital Forensics in Murder Cases & Child Pornography Cases
Speaker Information
Lars Daniel   [ view bio ]
Lawrence "Larry" Daniel   [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
Idaho State Bar
Total MCLE Credits: 4.50
This seminar is no longer available for purchase.