225th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights Symposium
LENGTH: 6 hrs. 45 min.
Sponsored by the Idaho State Bar Diversity Section
This program is a commemoration of the 225th Anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. Topics include:
- The Bill of Rights in Action in Idaho
During 40 years with the ACLU, Stephen Pevar has filed more than 35 civil rights cases in Idaho. Starting with a description of the role the Bill of Rights plays in our democracy, he will discuss selected cases showing the progress and treatment of civil rights in the Courts in Idaho. - A Look Back: Access to the Bill of Rights Documents, History, Libraries and Technology
Librarians will review how to study the Bill of Rights and keys to using the Bill of Rights effectively in your Idaho practice. Additionally, comments on the significance of history for court argument. - Going Forward: The Changing Supreme Court and the Future of the Bill of Rights
Candidates for the Idaho Supreme Court will each be allotted half an hour to set out their personal views of the role of the Bill of Rights in state and federal jurisprudence, with a short time at the end of each person's time for discussion with Professor Seamon and answers to written questions submitted by the audience. - First Amendment and Citizens United: How to Limit Power of Money in Politics and Comply with the First Amendment - Can It Be Done?
- The Sixth Amendment Right to Assistance of Counsel: The Status of Public Defense Reform in Idaho
A panel of lawyers will discuss the class action lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Idaho in 2015, Tucker v. State of Idaho, on appeal to the Idaho Supreme Court at the time of this program, challenging the public defense delivery system in Idaho's courts. The panel also will discuss the Amicus Curiae brief filed by the United States Department of Justice in the Tucker case and the work to date of the Idaho State Public Defense Commission. - Consititutional Rights in a Court of Law and the Court of Public Opinion: Real Life at the Intersection of Ethics in Law and Journalism
Professor Don Burnett guides a panel of professionals in a hypothetical discussion, in the style of the Fred Friendly Constitution televised presentations.
Seminar Date:
September 16, 2016
Total MCLE Credits: 6.75
Including Ethics: 1.50
This seminar is no longer available for purchase.