Navigating Office and Industrial Space Leases: The Basics and Potential Pitfalls
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Navigating Office and Industrial Space Leases: The Basics and Potential Pitfalls

Sponsored by the Idaho State Bar Real Property Section


Length: Approx. 1.5 hrs

1.5 CLE credits

Cost: $60

Office and industrial spaces leases can be daunting for those that do not practice in the real estate arena.  This presentation will provide you with an overview of the current office and industrial market, as well as explain the best approach to follow when securing new space.  Finally, the presenters will discuss the issues that may arise when clients forgo having an attorney negotiate a transaction and rely solely on commercial leasing agent or broker that is not required to disclose potential conflicts of interest.


Speakers:  Bill Beck and Greg Gaddis, Tenant Realty Advisors

Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
July 19, 2024
Navigating Office and Industrial Space Leases: The Basics and Potential Pitfalls
Individual topic purchase: Selected
Idaho State Bar
Total MCLE Credits: 1.50
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