Internet Ethics: Navigating Lawyer Responsibilities Online
Sponsored by the Idaho Law Foundation, Inc. in partnership with Freestone and WebCredenza, Inc.
September 4, 2025
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (MT)
*Live Audio Stream Only
1.0 Ethics credit
Registration Fee: $55.00
The Internet is the uniform information appliance for communications, research, and marketing, for consumers and for lawyers. You can easily research witnesses, parties, judges, and jurors with a simple Google search. Add in social media searches – blogs, Facebook, Twitter and many other platforms – and you can develop a rich demographic profile of all of these individuals. With a few keystrokes, you can pull down more information than ever before. You can also communicate freely, unmediated and unrestricted, with virtually anyone. All of these functions are valuable in litigation and transactional practice but also give rise to substantial ethics issues – not everything that the Web enables is proper. This program will provide you with a real world guide to ethics issues when lawyer engage in research and communication using the Internet.
- Communicating with parties, opposing attorneys, and witnesses via email, social media, and texting
- Researching jurors, parties, witnesses and judges via social media
- Blogging or sending newsletters/law updates to clients
- Trends in texting, confidentiality, and discoverability
- Law firm marketing via the web
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